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Gentile, C., Lim, K., Vozzi, G. "Editorial: 3D Bioprinting of Vascularized Tissues for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications." Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2021 Sep 6; 9:754124.


Polonchuk, L., Gentile, C. "Current state and future of 3D bioprinted models for cardio-vascular research and drug development." ADMET & DMPK 2021 Aug 25; advanced online article


Polonchuk, L., Surija, L., Lee, M., Sharma, P., Liu Chung Ming, C., Richter, F., Ben-Sefer, E., Alsadat Rad, M., Sheikh Sarmast, H.M., Al Shamery, W., Tran, H.A., Vettori, L., Hausermann, F., Filipe, E.C., Rnjak-Kovacina, J., Cox, T., Tipper, J., Kabakova, I., Gentile, C. "Towards engineering heart tissues from bioprinted cardiac spheroids." Biofabrication 2021 Aug 13; 13 (4), 045009

Roche, C.D., Zhou, Y., Gentile, C., Zhao, L. "A world-first thorascopic surgical instrument for minimally invasive robotically-enabled transplantation of 3D bioprinted heart patches for myocardial regeneration." OSF Preprints. 2021 Aug 6.


Bubb, K., Tang, O., Gentile, C., Moosavi, S.M., Hansen, T., Liu, C.C., Di Bartolo, B., Figtree, G.A. "FXYD1 Is Protective Against Vascular Dysfunction." Hypertension 2021 May 3;77 (6), 2104-2116


Wang, H., Roche, C.D., Gentile, C. "Reply to Yurekli et al. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2021 May 7:ezab152.

Richards, C., Sesperez, K., Chlor, M., Ghorbanpour, S., Rennie, C., Liu Chung Ming, C., Evenhuis, C., Nikolic, V., Karadzov, N., Mikovic, Z., Stefanovic, M, Cakic, Z., McGrath, K., Gentile, C., McClements, L., "Characterisation of cardiac health in the reduced uterine perfusion pressure model and a 3D cardiac spheroid model of preeclampsia." Biology of sex Differences 2021 Apr 20; 12 (1) 1-14

Sharma, P., Wang, X., Liu Chung Ming, C., Vettori, L., Figtree, G., Boyle, A., Gentile, C. "Advanced Cardiac Models: Considerations for the Bioengineering of Advanced Cardiac In Vitro Models of Myocardial Infarction." Small 2021 Apr 15;17 (15), 2170067


Liu Chung Ming, C., Sesperez, K., Ben-Sefer, E., Arpon, D., McGrath, K., McClements, L., Gentile, C. "Considerations to Model Heart Disease in Women with Preeclampsia and Cardiovascular Disease." Cells 2021 Apr 14;10 (4), 899

Hailey, W., Yoshie, H., Gentile, C. "Three-Dimensional Bioprinting for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine in Down Under: 2020 Australian Workshop Summary." ASAIO Journal 2021 Apr;67 (4), 363-369 doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001389

Roche, C.D., Sharma, P., Ashton, A.W., Jackson, C., Xue, M., Gentile, C. "Printability, Durability, Contractility and Vascular Network Formation in 3D Bioprinted Cardiac Endothelial Cells Using Alginate–Gelatin Hydrogels." Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2021 Feb 26;(9), 110.

Sharma, P., Gentile, C. "Cardiac Spheroids as in vitro bioengineered heart tissues to study human heart pathophysiology." J Vis Exp. 2021 Jan 23;(167), 10.3791. doi: 10.3791/61962.

Sharma, P., Wang, X., Liu Chung Ming, C., Vettori, L., Figtree, G., Boyle, A., Gentile, C. "Considerations for the Bioengineering of Advanced Cardiac In Vitro Models of Myocardial Infarction." Small 2021 Jan 19;17 (15), 2003765

Vettori, L., Sharma, P., Rnjak-Kovacina, J., Gentile, C. "3D Bioprinting of Cardiovascular Tissues for In Vivo and In Vitro Applications Using Hybrid Hydrogels Containing Silk Fibroin: State of the Art and Challenges." Current Tissue Microenvironment Reports, 2020 Nov 25, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s43152-020-00026-5.

Roche, C.D., Gentile, C. "Transplantation of a 3D Bioprinted Patch in a Murine Model of Myocardial Infarction. J Vis Exp. 2020 Sep 26;(163). doi: 10.3791/61675.


Wang, H., Roche, C.D., Gentile, C. "Omentum support for cardiac regeneration in ischaemic cardiomyopathy models: a systematic scoping review. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 Aug 18:ezaa205. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezaa205.

Roche, C.D., Brereton, R.J.L., Ashton, A.W., Jackson, C., Gentile, C. "Current Challenges in 3D Bioprinting Heart Tissues for Cardiac Surgery." Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 Sep 1;58(3):500-510. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezaa093.

Jiang, L., Gentile, C. Lauto, A., Cui, C., Song, Y., Romeo, T., Silva, S.M., Tang, O., Sharma, P., Figtree, G., Gooding, J.J., Mawad, D., “Versatile Fabrication Approach of Conductive Hydrogels via Copolymerization with Vinyl Monomers”, ACS applied materials & interfaces 2017 9 (50), 44124-44133.

Sharma, P., Figtree, G., Gentile, C. “The Hypoxic Microenvironment of Stem Cells and their Progenies in the Heart”, J Stem Cell Res Ther 2017 2 (6), 00084. DOI: 10.15406/jsrt.2017.02.00084

Figtree, G., Bubb, K., Tang, O., Kizana, E., Gentile, C. “Vascularized cardiac spheroids as novel 3D in vitro models to study cardiac fibrosis”, Cells Tissues Organs 2017 204 (3-4), 191-198. Invited article for Special Issue on “New advanced biomaterials for tissue and organ regeneration/repair”.

Polonchuk, L., Chabria, M., Badi, L., Hoflack, J.C., Figtree, G., M., Davies, M.J., Gentile, C. “Cardiac spheroid co-cultures as promising in vitro models to study the human heart microenvironment”, Scientific Reports 2017 7 (1), 7005.

Gentile, C. “Filling the Gaps between the In Vivo and In Vitro Microenvironment: Engineering of Spheroids for Stem Cell Technology” Curr Stem Cell Res Ther, 2016: 11 (8), 652-665. Invited review for Special Issue “New approach in stem cell technology and innovative biomaterial for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine proposed”. DOI: 10.2174/1574888X10666151001114848

Karimi Galougahi, K., Liu, C.C., Garcia, A., Gentile C, Fry, N.A., Hamilton, E.J., Hawkins, C.L., Figtree, G.A. “β3 Adrenergic stimulation restores nitric oxide/redox balance and enhances endothelial function in hyperglycemia”, JAHA 2016 Feb 19;5:e002824.

Di Bartolo, B., Cartland, S.P., Prado-Lourenco, L., Griffith, T.S., Gentile C, Ravindran, J., Azahri, N.S.M., Thai, T., Wing Shee Yeung, A., Thomas, S.R., Kavurma, M.M. “Tumor Necrosis Factor–Related Apoptosis‐Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) Promotes Angiogenesis and Ischemia‐Induced Neovascularization Via NADPH Oxidase 4 (NOX4) and Nitric Oxide–Dependent Mechanisms”, JAHA 2015 Nov 16;5:e002527.


Karimi Galougahi, K., Liu, C.C., Gentile C, Kok, C., Nunez, A., Garcia, A., Fry, N.A., Davies, M.J., Hawkins, C.L., Rasmussen, H.H., Figtree, G.A. “Glutathionylation Mediates Angiotensin II–Induced eNOS Uncoupling, Amplifying NADPH Oxidase‐Dependent Endothelial Dysfunction”, JAHA 2014 Apr 22;3:e000731.

Gentile, C. Muise-Helmericks, R.C., Drake, C.J. “VEGF-mediated phosphorylation of eNOS regulates angioblast and embryonic endothelial cell proliferation” Dev Biol, 2013 Jan 1: 373 (1), 163-175. JOURNAL COVER IMAGE.

Visconti RP, Kasyanov V, Gentile C, Zhang J, Markwald RR, Mironov V. “Towards organ printing: engineering an intra-organ branched vascular tree”, Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2010 Feb 4;10(3):409-20.

Fleming PA, Argraves WS, Gentile C, Neagu A, Forgacs G, Drake CJ. “Fusion of uniluminal vascular spheroids: a model for assembly of blood vessels”, Dev Dyn. 2010 Jan 22;239(2):398-406. JOURNAL COVER IMAGE.

Mironov V., Zhang J., Gentile, C., Brakke K., Trusk T., Jakab K., Forgacs G., Kasyanov V., Visconti R.P., Markwald R.R., "Designer blueprint for vascular trees: morphology evolution of vascular tissue constructs" Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2008 Nov 26;4 (2), p. 63-74.

Gentile, C., Fleming, P.A., Mironov, V., Argraves, K.M., Argraves, W.S., Drake, C. J. “VEGF-mediated vascular fusion and the generation of a vascular micro-tissues”, Dev Dyn. 2008 Sep 24;237(10):2918-25. JOURNAL COVER IMAGE.



Liu Chung Ming, C., Ben-Sefer, E., Gentile, C 2019, 'Stem Cell-based 3D Bioprinting for Cardiovascular Tissue Regeneration' in Advanced Technologies in Cardiovascular Bioengineering, Springer, Accepted in April 2021.View/Download from: Publisher's site


Roche, C.D., Polonchuk, L & Gentile, C 2019, 'Generation and Applications of Cardiac Spheroids' in Tissue Spheroids, Springer Accepted in July 2019.View/Download from: Publisher's site

Hansen, T, Saleh, S, Figtree, Gentile, C 2019, 'The role of redox signalling in cardiovascular regeneration' in Oxidative Stress in Heart Diseases, Springer, pp. 19-37.

Campbell, M, Chabria, M, Figtree, GA, Polonchuk, L & Gentile, C 2019, 'Stem cell-derived cardiac spheroids as 3D in vitro models of the human heart microenvironment' in Methods in Molecular Biology, pp. 51-59.

Campbell, M, Surija, L, Peceros, K, Sharma, P, Figtree, G & Gentile, C 2019, 'Stem cell spheroids' in Encyclopedia of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, pp. 387-393. Elsevier

Mawad, D, Figtree, G & Gentile, C 2017, 'Current Technologies Based on the Knowledge of the Stem Cells Microenvironments' in STEM CELL MICROENVIROMENTS AND BEYOND, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 245-262.

Polonchuk, L., Chabria, M., Davies, M.J., Gentile, C, 'Doxorubicin-Mediated Toxic Effects Are Mediated Via NO/eNOS in a Novel 3D in Vitro Model of the Human Heart', Free Radical Biology and Medicine Society 2016 Meeting, 2016 Nov 1; ppS142


Gentile, C, Chuang, C.Y., Drake, C., Davies, M. 'VEGF/eNOS‐mediated Cardiomyocyte Proliferation: a Novel Mechanism to Regulate Cardiovascular Regeneration in Mice and Humans', Experimental Biology 2016 Meeting, The FASEB Journal, 2014 Apr 1; 30, b568-lb568.


Gentile, C, dos Remedios, C, Drake, C., Davies, M. 'The role of the VEGF/eNOS signaling pathway in cardiovascular development: a novel target to advance cardiovascular regeneration (1078.11)', Experimental Biology 2014 Meeting, The FASEB Journal, 2014 Apr 1; 28, 1078.11.


Gentile, C, Kuehn, B, Davies, MJ & dos Remedios, CG 'A Novel Method for Isolating and Culturing Human Cardiomyocytes from Cryopreserved Tissues', 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 106 (2), pp. 564a.View/Download from: Publisher's site

Gentile, C, Fleming, P, Zhang, J, Visconti, R, Drake, C, Mironov, V. 'BIOPRINTING OF BLOOD VESSELS: VASCULAR TISSUE SPHEROIDS AS BUILDING BLOCKS: O1', 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 31 (7)


Gentile Research Group © 2020

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